Virtual parent class for color correction classes.
CapyColorCorr object definition macro. Initial and final fitness to evaluate the performance of the correction. Updated by the match() method. double initialFitness, finalFitness; The color space in which the color correction is operating (default: sRGB) CapyColorSpace colorSpace; Find the correction to convert from a given color chart to a reference color chart
Input argument(s):
chart: the original color chart
refChart: the reference color chart
Output and side effect(s):
Update the initialFitness and finalFitness properties. void (*match)( CapyColorChart const* const chart, CapyColorChart const* const refChart); Apply the color correction to an image.
Input argument(s):
img: the image to be corrected
Output and side effect(s):
The image is corrected. void (*apply)(CapyImg* const img); Save the corrector to a path.
Input argument(s):
path: the path
Exceptions: May raise CapyExc_StreamOpenError, CapyExc_StreamWriteError void (*saveToPath)(char const* const path); Save the corrector to a stream (in binary mode).
Input argument(s):
stream: the stream
Exceptions: May raise CapyExc_StreamWriteError void (*saveToStream)(CapyStreamIo* const stream); Load the corrector from a path.
Input argument(s):
path: the path
Exceptions: May raise CapyExc_StreamOpenError, CapyExc_StreamReadError void (*loadFromPath)(char const* const path); Load the corrector from a stream (in binary mode).
Input argument(s):
stream: the stream
Exceptions: May raise CapyExc_StreamWriteError, CapyExc_MallocFailed oid (*loadFromStream)(CapyStreamIo* const stream);
CapyColorCorr object
Create a CapyColorCorr
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyColorCorr