LibCapy - colorCorrection

Virtual parent class for color correction classes.


CapyColorCorr object definition macro. Initial and final fitness to evaluate the performance of the correction. Updated by the match() method. double initialFitness, finalFitness; The color space in which the color correction is operating (default: sRGB) CapyColorSpace colorSpace; Find the correction to convert from a given color chart to a reference color chart

Input argument(s):

chart: the original color chart
refChart: the reference color chart

Output and side effect(s):

Update the initialFitness and finalFitness properties. void (*match)( CapyColorChart const* const chart, CapyColorChart const* const refChart); Apply the color correction to an image.

Input argument(s):

img: the image to be corrected

Output and side effect(s):

The image is corrected. void (*apply)(CapyImg* const img); Save the corrector to a path.

Input argument(s):

path: the path
Exceptions: May raise CapyExc_StreamOpenError, CapyExc_StreamWriteError void (*saveToPath)(char const* const path); Save the corrector to a stream (in binary mode).

Input argument(s):

stream: the stream
Exceptions: May raise CapyExc_StreamWriteError void (*saveToStream)(CapyStreamIo* const stream); Load the corrector from a path.

Input argument(s):

path: the path
Exceptions: May raise CapyExc_StreamOpenError, CapyExc_StreamReadError void (*loadFromPath)(char const* const path); Load the corrector from a stream (in binary mode).

Input argument(s):

stream: the stream
Exceptions: May raise CapyExc_StreamWriteError, CapyExc_MallocFailed oid (*loadFromStream)(CapyStreamIo* const stream);




CapyColorCorr object


Create a CapyColorCorr

Output and side effect(s):

Return a CapyColorCorr

in LibCapy,
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