Compressor class.
CapyCompressor object definition macro
Compress the data
Input argument(s):
data: the data to compress
Output and side effect(s):
Return the compressed data CapyCompressorData (*compress)(CapyCompressorData const data);
Decompress the data
Input argument(s):
data: the data to decompress
Output and side effect(s):
Return the decompressed data CapyCompressorData (*decompress)(CapyCompressorData const data);
CapyCompressor object
Struct CapyCompressorData :
Struct CapyCompressorData's properties:
Bytes of data
Size in byte
Struct CapyCompressorData's methods:
Struct CapyRLECompressor :
Struct CapyRLECompressor's properties:
Inherit CapyCompressor
Struct CapyRLECompressor's methods:
Struct CapyBWTRLECompressor :
Struct CapyBWTRLECompressor's properties:
Inherit CapyCompressor
Struct CapyBWTRLECompressor's methods:
Create a CapyCompressor
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyCompressor
Allocate memory for a new CapyCompressor and create it
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyCompressor
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed.
Free the memory used by a CapyCompressor* and reset '*that' to NULL
Input argument(s):
that: a pointer to the CapyCompressor to free
Create a CapyRLECompressor
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyRLECompressor
Allocate memory for a new CapyRLECompressor and create it
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyRLECompressor
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed.
Free the memory used by a CapyCompressor* and reset '*that' to NULL
Input argument(s):
that: a pointer to the CapyCompressor to free
Create a CapyBWTRLECompressor
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyBWTRLECompressor
Allocate memory for a new CapyBWTRLECompressor and create it
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyBWTRLECompressor
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed.
Free the memory used by a CapyCompressor* and reset '*that' to NULL
Input argument(s):
that: a pointer to the CapyCompressor to free