Generic dictionary (implemented as a hash table).
Iterator for generic dict structure. Declaration macro for an iterator structure named 'name' ## Iterator, associated to a dict named 'name'
Create an iterator on a generic dictionary
Input argument(s):
dict: the generic dict on which to iterate
Output and side effect(s):
Return the iterator
Allocate memory and create an iterator on a generic dict
Input argument(s):
dict: the dictionary on which to iterate
Output and side effect(s):
Return the iterator
Free the memory used by an iterator.
Input argument(s):
that: the iterator to free
Free the memory used by a pointer to an iterator and reset '*that' to NULL
Input argument(s):
that: a pointer to the iterator to free
Reset the iterator
Output and side effect(s):
Return the first element of the iteration
Move the iterator to the next element
Output and side effect(s):
Return the next element of the iteration
Check if the iterator is on a valid element
Output and side effect(s):
Return true if the iterator is on a valid element, else false
Get the current element of the iteration
Output and side effect(s):
Return a pointer to the current element
Definition macro calling all the submacros at once for an iterator on an dictionary structure named 'name'
Generic dict structure. Declaration macro for a dict structure named 'name', containing entries with keys of type 'char*' and values of type 'type'
Generic dict structure. Definition macro for a dict structure named 'name', containing entries with keys of type 'char*' and values of type 'type' Create a dictionary
Input argument(s):
sizeHash: size of the hash table
defaultVal: default value returned by 'get' for an unknown key
Output and side effect(s):
Return an empty dictionary containing elements of type 'type'
Allocate memory for a new dictionary and create it
Input argument(s):
sizeHash: size of the hash table
defaultVal: default value returned by 'get' for an unknown key
Output and side effect(s):
Return a dictionary containing elements of type 'type'
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed.
Clone a dictionary
Output and side effect(s):
Return a clone of the dictionary
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed.
Free the memory used by a dictionary. The memory eventually used by the value of the entries must be freed by the user. The key of the entries are automatically freed.
Input argument(s):
that: the dictionary to free
Free the memory used by a pointer to a dictionary and reset '*that' to NULL. The memory eventually used by the value of the entries must be freed by the user. The key of the entries are automatically freed.
Input argument(s):
that: a pointer to the dictionary to free
Get the number of entries in the dictionary
Output and side effect(s):
Return the number of entries
Get the size of the hash table of the dictionary
Output and side effect(s):
Return the size of the hash
Get a value of the dictionary
Input argument(s):
key: the key of the element to get
Output and side effect(s):
Return the value
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed.
Get a pointer to a value of the dictionary
Input argument(s):
key: the key of the element to get, if there is no element for this key, create a new one initialised with the default value
Output and side effect(s):
Return the pointer to the element
Remove an entry from the dictionary
Input argument(s):
key: the key of the element to remove
Output and side effect(s):
The entry is removed if it exists, else nothing is done. The user is responsible for freeing the memory used by the entry value if any.
Set a value of the dictionary
Input argument(s):
key: the key of the entry to set
val: the value to set
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed.
Initialise the iterator of the dictionary, must be called after the creation of the dictionary when it is created with Create(), Alloc() automatically initialise the iterator.
Set the default value used when an entry is automatically added
Input argument(s):
val: the default value
Check if a key exists in the dictionary
Input argument(s):
key: the key to check
Output and side effect(s):
Return true if the key exists, else false
Set the hash function
Input argument(s):
hash: the hash function
Definition macro calling all the submacros at once for a dictionary structure named 'name', containing elements of type 'type'