Image magnifier class.
Struct CapyDisplayMagnifier :
Struct CapyDisplayMagnifier's properties:
Scale, memorise the inverse of the scale to avoid using division in the conversion method (supposedly more often used than the scale update methods)
Struct CapyDisplayMagnifier's methods:
Reset the magnifier (position to origin, scale to 1.0)
Move the magnifier to a position
Input argument(s):
pos: The position where to move the magnifier
Translate the magnifier by a vector
Input argument(s):
v: The vector to add to the current position of the magnifier
Scale up the magnification at a given speed
Input argument(s):
coeff: the speed by which the scale is scaled up (equivalent to scale *= 1.0 + coeff)
fixedPos: if not null, the magnifier is translated such as the fixed position appears at the same location on the display before and after scaling. (fixedPos in display coordinates)
Scale down the magnification at a given speed
Input argument(s):
coeff: the speed by which the scale is scaled down (equivalent to scale *= 1.0 - coeff)
fixedPos: if not null, the magnifier is translated such as the fixed position appears at the same location on the display before and after scaling. (fixedPos in display coordinates)
Convert coordinates from magnified to demagnified
Input argument(s):
coord: the coordinates to convert
Output and side effect(s):
Return the converted coordinates. Don't care about overflow if the converted coordinates become negative, use appropriately. The conversion formula is coordImg = coordDisplay / scale - translate
Create a CapyDisplayMagnifier
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyDisplayMagnifier
Allocate memory for new CapyDisplayMagnifier
Output and side effect(s):
Return a newly allocated CapyDisplayMagnifier
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed
Free the memory used by a CapyDisplayMagnifier* and reset '*that' to NULL
Input argument(s):
display: the CapyDisplayMagnifier to free