Class to embellish strings with ANSI escape code.
Enumeration of available options to decorate a string
Struct CapyStrDecorator :
Struct CapyStrDecorator's properties:
Foreground and background color (default: white and black)
Flags to memorise the active options
Struct CapyStrDecorator's methods:
Activate an option
Input argument(s):
option: the option to activate
Deactivate an option
Input argument(s):
option: the option to deactivate
Get the status of an option
Input argument(s):
option: the option to get the status of
Ouput: Returns true if the option is active, else false
Print a decorated string on a stream
Input argument(s):
stream: the stream on which to print
fmt: the format string to decorate and print
...: the arguments of the format string
Output and side effect(s):
Return the number of characters printed (excluding the terminating null byte). If an output error is encountered, return a negative value.
Set the foreground color used by the option capyStrDecoratorFgColor
Input argument(s):
color: the RGB color of the foreground
Set the background color used by the option capyStrDecoratorBgColor
Input argument(s):
color: the RGB color of the foreground
Create a CapyStrDecorator
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyStrDecorator initialised with no active options
Allocate memory for a new CapyStrDecorator and create it
Output and side effect(s):
Return a CapyStrDecorator initialised with no active options
May raise CapyExc_MallocFailed.
Free the memory used by a CapyStrDecorator* and reset '*that' to NULL
Input argument(s):
that: a pointer to the CapyStrDecorator to free