LibCapy - trycatch

Exception management.


Size of the stack of TryCatch blocks, define how many recursive incursion of TryCatch blocks can be done, overflow is checked at the beginning of each TryCatch blocks with CapyTryCatchGuardOverflow()

Head of the TryCatch block, to be used as

try { /*... code of the TryCatch block here ...*/

Comments on the macro: // Guard against recursive incursion overflow CapyTryCatchGuardOverflow(); // Memorise the jmp_buf on the top of the stack, setjmp returns 0 switch(setjmp(*CapyTryCatchGetJmpBufOnStackTop())) { // Entry point for the code of the TryCatch block case 0:

Catch segment in the TryCatch block, to be used as

try { /*... code of the TryCatch block here ...*/ } catch (/*... one of CapyException or user-defined exception ...*/) { /*... code executed if the exception has been raised in the TryCatch block ...*/

Comments on the macro: // Exit the previous Catch block CapyTryCatchExitCatchBlock(); // End of the previous case break; // case of the raised exception case e: // Flag the entrance into the Catch block CapyTryCatchEnterCatchBlock();

Macro to assign several exceptions to one Catch segment in the TryCatch block, to be used as

try { /*... code of the TryCatch block here ...*/ } catch (/*... one of CapyException or user-defined exception ...*/) catchAlso (/*... another one ...*/) { /*... as many catchAlso statement as you need ...*/ /*... code executed if one of the exception has been raised in the TryCatch block ... (Use CapyGetLastExcId() if you need to know which exception as been raised) */

Comments on the macro: // Avoid the fall through warning due to the // CapyTryCatchEnterCatchBlock() at the entrance of the catch case /* fall through */ // case of the raised exception case e: // Flag the entrance into the Catch block CapyTryCatchEnterCatchBlock();

Macro to declare the default Catch segment in the TryCatch block, must be the last Catch segment in the TryCatch block, to be used as

try { /*... code of the TryCatch block here ...*/ } catchDefault { /*... code executed if an exception has been raised in the TryCatch block and hasn't been catched by a previous Catch segment... (Use CapyGetLastExcId() if you need to know which exception as been raised) */

Comments on the macro: // Exit the previous Catch block CapyTryCatchExitCatchBlock(); // End of the previous case break; // default case default: // Flag the entrance into the Catch block CapyTryCatchEnterCatchBlock();

Tail of the TryCatch block, to be used as

try { /*... code of the TryCatch block here ...*/ } endCatch;

Comments on the macro: // Exit the previous Catch block CapyTryCatchExitCatchBlock(); // End of the previous case break; // default case, i.e. any raised exception which hasn't been catched // by a previous Catch is catched here default: // Processing of uncatched exception CapyTryCatchDefault(); // End of the switch statement at the head of the TryCatch block } // Post processing of the TryCatchBlock CapyTryCatchEnd()

Macro to raise the CapyException exc, to be used as

raiseExc( /* ... one of CapyException or user-defined exception ... */);

Macro to recatch and forward an exception. This is usefull when an exception may be raised by a handler, in which case the trace loose track of where the exception has occured. By recatching the block of code susceptible of triggering the handler, one can ensure the trace will properly indicates this block of code as the source of the exception. To be used as

recatch(/* ... block of code eventually raising an exception ... */);


List of exceptions ID, must start at 1 (0 is reserved for the setjmp at the beginning of the TryCatch blocks). If the user wants to define and use its own exceptions, their ID must not be in [0, CapyExc_LastID - 1]


Type of an exception ID. This must be compatible with an enumeration type.


Function called at the beginning of a TryCatch block to guard against overflow of the stack of jump_buf

Function called to get the jmp_buf on the top of the stack when starting a new TryCatch block

Output and side effect(s):

Remove the jmp_buf on the top of the stack and return it

Function called when entering a catch block

Function called when exiting a catch block

Function called at the end of a TryCatch block

Function called to raise the CapyException 'exc'. An uncaught exception has no effect and simply fall through.

Input argument(s):

exc: The CapyException to raise. Do not use the type enum CapyException to allow the user to extend the list of exceptions with user-defined exception outside of enum CapyException.
filename: File where the exception has been raised
line: Line where the exception has been raised

Function to get the ID of the last raised exception

Output and side effect(s):

Return the id of the last raised exception

Function to convert an exception ID to char*. It uses the conversion functions provided via CapyAddExcToStrFun() to convert user defined exception. CapyException exceptions are converted automatically.

Input argument(s):

exc: The exception ID

Output and side effect(s):

Return the stringified exception

Function to add a function used by TryCatch to convert user-defined exception to a string. The function in argument must return NULL if its argument is not an exception ID it is handling, else a pointer to a string. It is highly recommended to provide conversion functions to cover all the user defined exceptions as it also allows TryCatch to detect conflict between exception IDs.

Input argument(s):

fun: The conversion function to add

Set the stream on which to print messages when exception are raised, set it to NULL to turn off messages. (By default it's NULL)

Input argument(s):

stream: The stream to used

Get the stream on which the messages are print when exception are raised.

Output and side effect(s):

Return the used stream

Function to forward the current exception, if any, to the eventual TryCatch block including the CapyForwardExc call. Note that even if an exception is forwarded from inside a parallel section a TryCatch block outside the parallel section may not see it.

Function to cancel the current exception if any

in LibCapy,
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