About me

Hi there ! My name is Pascal Baillehache, I'm a French computer science engineer, 47 years old, living in Japan since 2005. This page is a short introduction of some of my personal and professional accomplishments (from newest to oldest). A PDF version is available here (日本語の履歴書はここにあります).

I'm open to new opportunities !
So many social and environmental problems need to be solved urgently, I do not wish any more my labour to profit the personal and short-term benefit of a few greedy ones. If your project is concretely related to solving these problems (global warming, environmental degradation, inequality and discrimination, corruption and criminality, etc...) and my skills may serve you, I would really enjoy having a chat with you. You can send me an email, or contact me on LinkedIn.

Consultant for On-the-slope, 2023-now. Solving optimisation problems to help local communities of organic farmers to better distribute their production of vegetables. C, Ruby, Rails, GitLab, Slack, MiniFrame, Linux.

Continuation of my 2017 research about procedural generation of handwritten Japanese calligraphy, 2023. Development of a complete rendering engine to simulate realistic handwritten calligraphy of Japanese text. More about it here. C, Latex, Git, Linux.

Private research about procedural noise generation, 2023. Author of the B-Noise algorithm. C, Latex, Git, B-spline, Fourier transform, periodogram, Linux.

Consultant for Kyocera and Rist, 2020-2022. Research about photogrammetry. Software development relative to procedural generation of AI training datasets. AI model integration. Python, Open3D, GitLab, Backlog, Slack, Qt, Blender, POV-Ray, Intel RealSense, Photogrammetry, Structure from Motion, Structure from Silhouette, Linux.

Private research about automatic detection of color chart in images, 2022. Development of an algorithm achieving 95+% accuracy, higher than the dedicated X-Rite software. C, Latex, Git, QP203 color chart, Linux.

Publication in Radiation Oncology, 2021. Co-author of the article "Development of in-house fully residual deep convolutional neural network-based segmentation software for the male pelvic CT", with Rist and the Kyoto University.

Software engineer at Rist, 2018-2020. AI models integration in applications and embedded softwares. Python, JavaScript, C, DICOM, Qt, GitHub, Slack, OrientalMotor actuator, CCS lighting system, Yoctopuce Modbus controller, Toshiba Teli camera, Contec DIO, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Linux.

Private research about detection of intersection of 2D and 3D geometry, 2013-2020. Development of an algorithm up to 4 times faster than the traditional SAT algorithm. Article submitted for publication to the JCGT. C, SAT, LaTex, Git.

Freelance engineer for the archaeological survey company Archaes, 2019. Development of an automated photography system for 3D scanning of archaeological artifacts. C, GtK, Git, OrientalMotor actuator, CCS lighting system, Yoctopuce Modbus controller, Toshiba Teli camera, Linux.

Participation to online programming tournaments on the CodinGame platform, 2015-2017. Reached a global ranking of 70th/801333 individuals worldwide, 2nd/15312 individuals in Japan. C, MiniMax, Genetic Algorithm, Git.

Private development of an online game of Mancala, 2017. AI opponent, 4 levels of difficulties. Playable here. C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, POV-Ray, MiniMax, Git.

Freelance programmer for a Spanish researcher at Kyoto University, department of linguistic, 2017. Development of a web application used to process and analyse texts in old sanskrit. C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Git.

Private research about procedural generation of handwritten Japanese calligraphy, 2017. Simulation of paper, ink, brush properties. Hand movement reproduced using machine learning algorithm. Video available. C, Genetic Algorithm, Git.

Software engineer at the Japanese archaeological survey company Ibisoku, 2013-2016. Development of a drawing software to produce vector graphics of archeological artifacts and process 3D data from survey fields. Java, C, Illustrator script, Illustrator, Agisoft Metashape, Arduino microcontroller, Photogrammetry.

Software development for the Japanese hostels, shared houses and tour operator J-Hoppers, 2007-2012. Development of a content management system, reservation management system and accounting tools as Web applications. HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Git.

Software engineer on the European Space Launcher Ariane5 program at Airbus Group NV (formerly EADS-LV), 2001-2005. Development of flight simulation analysis tools and internal equipments real-time simulator. C, ADA, CVS, Unix.

Graduated from Isima, French public engineering school, 2000. Master of Computer Science, major in applied mathematics.

Research internship at Giref, Canadian Interdisciplinary Research Group in Finite Element, 2000. Correction algorithm for the pseudo-Tocher coefficients applied to the finite element method. C++, FEM, Unix.

Honors and Awards:

in All,
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