Category - Computer graphics
A PNG image viewer using LibCapy
A lightweight structure to display interactive graphics in C
A survey of Cartesian coordinate systems orientation in 3D softwares
Calculate the 2D bilinear inverse using Newton-Raphson
Calculate the center of an Aruco marker in an image
Calligraphy of the Gion Matsuri parade
Color correction using Bezier surface
Color correction using the QP203 color chart
Color correction, comparison sRGB/L*a*b*
Color spaces
Colorimetry, CIE XYZ and sRGB
Conversion RGB-HSV
Interactive graphic display in C using X11 and multithread
Iteration over a spline
Japanese Go players 'Banzuke'
Noise generation using lattice based value noise and Bezier curves
Noise generation using lattice based value noise and Bezier surfaces
POV-Ray macro to create eggs
Physically Based 3D Rendering and Ray Marching
Point cloud nearest neighbour search using B-Tree
Procedural generation of marbled paper
QP Card 203 Pictures Dataset 'QP203_20220606'
Reflectance spectrum editor with a Mixture of Gaussians
Rendering a textured parametric function in Pov-Ray using the mesh2 object
Robust color chart detection using topological score diffusion.
SDF, CSG, and Ray Marching in C
Simulation of Japanese handwritten text calligraphy
The B-Noise algorithm
Wave function collapse algorithm in POV-Ray
Zooming toward a fixed point
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