Category - All
- A Gantt chart app as a single PHP file
- A PNG image viewer using LibCapy
- A Python script to import datasets from OpenML
- A lightweight structure to display interactive graphics in C
- A programming beginner project idea
- A rational numbers implementation in C
- A survey of Cartesian coordinate systems orientation in 3D softwares
- AI Prediction as Web App
- About me
- Anamorphic rendering from the reflection on a spherical mirror
- Bezier curves and surfaces
- C macros' argument type checking trick
- CUTest, easy unit tests in C
- Calculate rotation using Quaternions
- Calculate the 2D bilinear inverse using Newton-Raphson
- Calculate the center of an Aruco marker in an image
- Calligraphy of the Gion Matsuri parade
- Color correction using Bezier surface
- Color correction using LibCapy
- Color correction using the QP203 color chart
- Color correction, comparison sRGB/L*a*b*
- Color spaces
- Colorimetry, CIE XYZ and sRGB
- Comments help writing better code
- Comparison of standard, momentum and Adam methods for gradient descent
- Compilers are best friends
- Conversion RGB-HSV
- Decorated string in C
- Differential evolution under constraints
- Education should not be a competition
- Encrypting data using Feistel cipher and LibCapy
- Exception management in C
- Expo, an HTML based presentation tool
- Formula One drivers Elo rating
- Generating abstract wallpapers with Bezier and RNG
- Generating password using LibCapy
- How to shoot yourself in the foot with Python's variables scope
- Implementation of the Discrete Fourier Transform, cheat-sheet
- Implementing a simple book keeping app as a single PHP file
- Implementing a simple online chat app as a single PHP file
- Improved readability with anonymous unions in C
- Interactive graphic display in C using X11 and multithread
- Iteration over a spline
- Japanese Go players 'Banzuke'
- LibCapy
- LibCapy - Download
- MDP and reinforcement learning
- Makefile template
- Managing an Elo ladder using LibCapy
- Markov decision process and optimal policy
- May all your bugs be features!
- MiniFrame, a framework for solving combinatorial optimization problems
- My bookshelf
- N-Body problem and rational numbers
- Neural network and comparison with SVM
- No need to be perfect
- Noise generation using lattice based value noise and Bezier curves
- Noise generation using lattice based value noise and Bezier surfaces
- Number of non-symetric patterns in Go
- OOP in C - Genericity
- OOP in C - Inheritance
- OOP in C - Methods
- Optimisation using memory pool
- POV-Ray macro to create eggs
- Parsing command line arguments using LibCapy
- Physically Based 3D Rendering and Ray Marching
- Picture of girolle
- Pictures of a golden beetle, jewel beetle and batocera lineolata
- Point cloud nearest neighbour search using B-Tree
- Prediction of air pollution over Bogota in C with LibCapy
- Procedural generation of marbled paper
- Pseudo-random floating-point numbers generation.
- Publication in Radiation Oncology
- Python programmers about C
- QP Card 203 Pictures Dataset 'QP203_20220606'
- Reflectance spectrum editor with a Mixture of Gaussians
- Rendering a textured parametric function in Pov-Ray using the mesh2 object
- Robust color chart detection using topological score diffusion.
- SDF, CSG, and Ray Marching in C
- Simulation of Japanese handwritten text calligraphy
- Software development is like raising child
- Solving a word puzzle game for the OKWDDM community
- Speed of floating point types in C
- Stop breaking for/while loop!
- Storing git repositories' origin on a NAS
- Support Vector Machine model
- Template for a TCP client-server in C
- Test if an event is in the x% most probable
- The B-Noise algorithm
- The Burrows-Wheeler transform
- The Frequentist Hypothesis Testing method
- The Reinforce and PPO algorithm
- Types help writing better code
- Vanilla RSA 64bits implementation in C
- Wave function collapse algorithm in POV-Ray
- Young Dev vs Old Dev
- Zooming toward a fixed point